Tagged: Veggie Race

Golden Steagle…

Promotions are a big part of Minor League Baseball — especially here in Reading.
steagle_award.jpgEach year, we strive to bring our fans the best of the best. And, it’s always nice when you get noticed.

The 2010 season was a special one in Reading, and on Monday morning, the R-Phils receieved the Golden Steagle award in the mail from Gameops.com. The R-Phils won Honorable Mention in the category of Best Contest or On-Field Promotion for their Veggie Race.

From the Gameops.com press release:

Cleveland, OH – For the tenth consecutive year industry website Gameops.com has announced its Best of Awards for 2010. Six categories were decided by a panel of industry experts and awarded for excellence and creativity in the field of game operations and presentation.

The Veggie Race at FirstEnergy Stadium has become quite the show. Each game, R-Phils interns and staff members compete against each other in full veggie suits. The competitive contest consists of Carrot, Broccoli, Cauliflower, and Lettuce, and each of those veggies race to the finish line. At the end of each race, “Eat More Vegetables” is usually shouted by R-Phils GM Scott Hunsicker.

The Veggie Race is a great way for the R-Phils to promote healthy food options. Vegetables are an important part of anyone’s diet, and the R-Phils Veggie Race brings that out in the open.

On two occassions in 2010, the R-Phils receieved national media attention. The first, which took place on Friday, April 23, centered around the appearance of Wrestling Royalty, Jerry “The King” Lawler. Lawler, who met fans and signed autographs throughout the evening, made an on-field appearance during the Veggie Race.

During the Veggie Race cauliflower clothes-lined.jpgthat day, things were going well for Cauliflower — but something happened. “The King”, who was hiding, ran out to the field and clothes-lined poor Cauliflower. The moment, which was caught by R-Phils team photographer Ralph Trout, served as one of the best photos in all of Minor League Baseball.

Ben Hill, MiLB writer and blogger, talked about it here:

The second of the national media attention occurred during an R-Phils game on Saturday, July 3. The veggie racers were racing around the field, and broccoli, who got off to a big lead, made his way into the seating area. Once he made his way into the stands, Broccoli took the microphone and made an announcement.

broccoli-proposal.gifBroccoli, who is played by R-Phils Client Relationship Manager Jon Muldowney, got down on his broccoli knee and proposed to his girlfriend Michelle. The scene, was one for the ages. ESPN, CNN, USA Today, and many others, picked up on the proposal, and before you knew it, the video was everywhere.

Here is the video, if you haven’t seen it already, on YouTube:

Also, just so we don’t forget about Lettuce, here is an interview — enjoy!

The R-Phils will continue to do big things in 2011. Promotions and On-Field events, will once again be taken to the next level. You never know what you will find at a Reading Phillies game. But, one thing is for certain — you will be amused each and every game!